Monday, October 31, 2011

Fall Family Fun

In the South, October tends to be such a beautiful time of the year.  Our weather is a little cooler, without being cold.  Our typically green forests change to a lovely blend of autumnal shades.  Our weekends are packed full of activities for family fun.  During this season of harvest, I am reminded to thank God for all our blessings.  What a way to begin the season of thanksgiving! 

Lots of kids stopped by our trick-or-trunk for candy at the Harvest Festival.  Fellow Parrot Head parents wanted to sit and enjoy!

We had a truckload of fun during our trip to Paradise Pumpkin Patch!

These two picked a pumpkin from the patch.  I can't believe they agreed on the SAME pumpkin!

For maybe 5-7 days in the fall, our sugar maple is glorious in color.  Since it was grown from a northern seed source but lives in the south, it changes colors quickly and then throws its leaves off, all in less than one week.  We enjoy it while we can!

Happy Fall, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I saw Benjamin last night at Crawford's trunk-or-treat and actually said out loud to him, "Oh my gosh, who is this teenager?!" I'm sure he was thinking, "Why is she talking to me?" ;) I was floored how grown he looks!

    And I love the Parrot Head decor!
