Fellow Girl Scout Junior Troop Leader Jamie Howard and I took our Girl Scout troop to the first Auburn football game of the season, designated as Scout Day at Auburn . Tickets were FREE!
We tailgated before the event. Benjamin grilled yummy hot dogs for everyone to enjoy; he gained the nickname Grill Scout for his hard work and efforts!
Girl Scouts love the Auburn Tigers!
Later in September, we traveled to Athens , Georgia , to take the kids to their first UGA football game.
Happy to meet Harry!
The Bulldogs’ win allowed us the opportunity to ring the Chapel Bell, a beloved tradition for Georgia fans.
Famous photo spot in Athens, the UGA Arch
Georgia-Lee loved everything about Athens ; Benjamin compared everything to Auburn . I came to appreciate the Bulldogs a bit more. After all, Ben did graduate from the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources!
We met friends Dorothy and Matt McDaniel in Montgomery for a rivalry tailgate.
Ann, Huntingdon graduate, and Matt, Hampden-Sydney alum, found common ground in food. There was quite a spread of delicious tailgate treats!
Georgia-Lee thought Flowers Hall on Huntingdon's campus looked like a castle!
Later in the football season, we drove over to the Plains for the AU Homecoming game and festivities. We visited the Kappa Alpha Theta chapter room for Homecoming Brunch with Theta sisters and fellow alums.
I heart Theta!
We ate lunch at the famous School of Forestry Homecoming Barbeque. After the game, we tailgated with friends Angela and Lester Holland and others. Angela and I met as two of only three girls in Auburn's School of Forestry summer practicum 1993; we've been friends ever since!
Auburn School of Forestry Friends gather after the Auburn Homecoming game.