Monday, March 21, 2011

For the Love of Breakfast

I thought I would share this morning's breakfast with you. It was delicious and looked fabulous too!

Every morning before he leaves for work, Ben fixes breakfast for all of us. He takes his job seriously! Menu items are usually creative and filling. He is very accomodating, trying to include bacon or sausage most mornings, eggs several days a week, grits, French toast, oatmeal...I could continue but you get the idea! He's a regular breakfast chef! Following a morning prayer, the four of us enjoy our first meal of the day together. It is a great way to start our mornings!

Ben was really creative this morning as he prepared grits, sausage, and toast topped with a fresh strawberry inside heart shaped strawberry fig preserves. Today's breakfast was surely a great way to get Benjamin and Georgia-Lee ready for their standardized testing at school.

Breakfast has always been my favorite meal of the day. Mama cooked breakfast for us growing up. Jill, Laura, and I loved it. I bet my daddy did too! Breakfast is a good way to begin our mornings. What did you have for breakfast today?

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Crushing beer cans after breakfast isn't something that comes to mind as a great way to start the day. As luck would have it on this St. Patrick's Day 2011, it is how my day begins! Running just a few minutes late creates great stress for me; stress creates frustration; chaos begins. In a split second, when leaving the house for school and work, the back door to the Tahoe bent backwards and a small pot of gold (or the quoted minimum $1200) disappeared! When I took the vehicle by the body shop this morning, I asked if vehicles were all made of plastic these days. The owner of the body shop laughed and said most of the vehicle is more like a beer can with plastic clips and parts. Amazing, isn't it? Nothing like that old heavy '69 Camaro I drove in high school and college!

Following a day at work and my weekly long run, returning home was like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Ben and I watched the sun set as we listened to Irish music - cheers! When Benjamin came back from the woods and Georgia-Lee finished her Georgia project, we all enjoyed corned beef and cabbage on the screen porch to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. After dinner, a long hot bath was in order for me. I had to laugh - I enjoyed my Disney Princess bubble bath as a group of dinosaurs watched over me! Turns out, St. Patrick's Day ended on a positive note. Hope your St. Patrick's Day was lucky and that you didn't get pinched!

May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand. - Irish blessing